Container Approved by Ecuadorian Consulate in Minneapolis

It’s wonderful to report good news in relation to the shipment of our container in partnership with out of Minneapolis. This past week they had a meeting with and received approval from the Ecuadorian consulate in Minneapolis for the container’s shipment. This is really positive news as we feel like it is was one of the last biggest hurdles we were facing to get the container off U.S. territory and on its way to Ecuador. We are now just awaiting a shipping date as there has been a back log of container shipments worldwide. Additionally, we have not received final approval for the tractor you see pictured below to be included. It is a 1954 Ford Jubilee in perfect working condition that was donated to our project. Unfortunately, Ecuadorian customs says that no tractors over 15 years old can be imported into Ecuador. We are hoping (and praying!) that they do end up approving it seeing as we are setting up a Social Enterprise whose purpose is to generate revenue for at risk children, their families and services for at risk communities.

Joel & Kim Delp