Stories of Dignity 2023

The message that our friends in Cayambe share as our vision for the project is “Sembrando con amor la esperanza de una vida digna“ or “Sowing with love the hope for a dignfied life.” Our goal with our ministries is that each person that we minister to has a sense of dignity and even more that they feel valued and respected in who they are and their value to us as a human being. We want each person that we serve to feel respected and loved and for them to know that they have value to us. Our goal is to serve the recipients of our ministries with this end as our focus.

In fitting with this theme, we will be continuing an initiative that we started last year called Stories of Dignity. The point will be to share about the ministries that are being carried out in Cayambe and the greater Cayambe area over the next three months through story. Normally for us during this part of the year, the donations to the ongoing ministries slow down and so we hope that these stories will inspire you to help us to create even more stories in the future. We want you to remain encouraged by the ministries in Cayambe. Will you be a part of making more Stories of Dignity?

Joel & Kim Delp