Helping Amidst the Pandemic

As the world appears in crisis all around us, it is easy to be paralyzed, by fear of the unknown, grief at what is being lost, helpless because we don’t know exactly what to do or how to help. We understand that. In Ecuador, the crisis is real as the virus continues to spread and the project in Cayambe continues, taking on more responsibility. The children in the home are in the home 24 hours a day which stretches our staff. Our clinic is currently closed because people are not allowed out of their houses except for food or emergency medicine. However, we have been called upon to help in very tangible ways and we want to share these with you as we have been asked how people can help. Starting the first time on Monday, our missionaries will be going around North Quito to collect non-perishable goods to help vulnerable families near and around Cayambe who have no means of getting food. If you would like to help serve vulnerable families, here are some ways you can help. If you live in the Quito area and would like to donate food items and other supplies, here is a list of items needed: Oil, tuna, oatmeal, sugar, rice, lentils, noodles, bag of chocolate, milk, bag of salt, popcorn, pasta, beans, flour. Household items needed: Bleach, disinfectant, antiseptic alcohol, toilet paper, laundry detergent, hand soap, gloves. If you would like to help, but are unable to donate food items, but you would like to donate in a monetary way to purchase some of these items, please click below and type “covid-19” where it says “Personal Message”: Donate Here

Thank you for helping us help others!

Joel & Kim Delp