Expanding for Mission Phase One: Ibarra

This past Thursday a small group of leaders met for the initial planning of the the first phase of Expanding for Mission. If you remember, we talked about the fact that this year we have been planning and hoping that the project in Cayambe can grow to be more than just in Cayambe. The first phase of this growth is an expansion of the project to the city of Ibarra, about an hour north of Cayambe. Leaders from IPEE (the Covenant Church of Ecuador) and FACE (the foundation of IPEE that carries out the social projects) as well as the local church met to discuss these plans and began to chart the course.

The project in Ibarra will start small and will mainly be an extension from the project in Cayambe. The exciting thing is that Covenant World Relief and Development is our primary partner in helping us to make this project be a reality. They have approved the funding to continue our ministry to Women who are the Victims of Domestic Abuse in Cayambe as well as the extension of this ministry to Ibarra.

Joel & Kim Delp