New Community in Ecuador

We had a beautiful and life-giving week with our partner church from New Community Bronzeville, lovingly known here as "Tio Pete's team."  We also had volunteers from Willmar, MN who joined this team and are seeking out if short-term mission and partnership is something they should pursue.

The team engaged in a lot of work together with the different areas of the project.  The main thing they were involved in was shucking 1,300+ pounds of fava beans to contribute to making the largest pot of Fanesca in all of Ecuador!  It was quite the undertaking and aside from arthritic-feeling fingers, everyone survived to try the Fanesca on Good Friday.  FANESCA

We all participated in a soccer game of Ecuadorians vs. Americans.  The Americans lost in a very intense game, but VERY fun!

The team was also able to tour all the different projects the Santiago Partnership has and was able to participate in two different weekly events the projects do.  On Thursday they were able to participate in a home visit and on Friday they were able to partner and encourage the women of SUMAK.  It was beautiful to see the engagement with our Ecuadorian partners in collaboration and service.  

Another fabulous way the team helped was by painting the entrance to the Casa Hogar from a very pale Jesus to one with a tan.  An outside painter from the area painted the original mural, but we thought it was time for the kids of the home to see themselves represented better in the mural.  

They also helped put a base coat of paint in the space for the Women's Artisan studio.

The week was amazing and challenging, full of life and laughs and stretching and flexibility.  All the things a week-long mission trip is.  We are SO grateful for the encouragement and life-giving care given to us through them.

Joel & Kim Delp